Making Friends

Making Friends

We hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas, and all of us here at Baby Paddlers hope you have a fantastic 2016! Hopefully all our swimmers that are back with us for another term are doing well after the Xmas break, and we welcome all our new little paddlers. Hopefully you and your children have settled into the classes, but if you have any questions please just have a chat with your teacher. We are there to help you get the most out of your lessons, and most importantly have fun!!

So I had been putting some thought into the first blog post of 2016 and had a few ideas, but inspiration often comes when you least expect it. So when I was leaving my class the other day, and I saw a group of mums from my last lesson having an ‘after swim coffee’ together I knew what it would be.

We often talk, and read, about all of the benefits of swimming with babies and children, exercise, health benefits, safety in the water, confidence, and learning to swim, but as I walked past the group of mums I remembered how amazing baby classes are for making friends.

Motherhood can at times be a lonely place. I found being a new mum overwhelming, scary and hard. So what was the one thing that got me through it?……… The friends I made at my antenatal and baby classes.

They were a lifeline when I needed it, a shoulder to cry on after a sleepless night, and we were all armed with a slice of cake and a chat at one of our houses when one of us needed a boost. Three years down the line and some of these mummies are now some of my closest friends.

So have a chat with the mummy or daddy as you wait for your swim class. Suggest a coffee and (big) slice of cake after your lesson, and who knows maybe you might make a friend or two!

Nicky x